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Photos by Kim Montes

It was a night full of laughter and cheers as MINT game enthusiasts gathered inside the Cafeteria to try the different games laid out by MINT Blitz, the school club that’s always down for a great game.

They held a one-day convention, Game Night, that features various kinds of games for interested students. Aptly timed with the dismissal time of most classes here at MINT, the organization had the place packed with eager students coming from both senior high and college.

Various game booths were set up. There were spaces alloted for those who loves to play with cards, boards and tokens. There were also a space for the videogamers, and a space for those who were looking for more interactive ones.

The cards and boards booth has different game sets inspired by quizzes, guessing, and famous gameshows. The featured pieces were also the best design works created by several  MINT Multimedia Arts students for their design classes. There were also the classic boardgames available, such as Scrabble, Monopoly, etc.

For the tech-savvy, monitors and game consoles were huddled in a room--with different choices of videogames plugged in and ready to play. There were strategy, combat, role-play, and magic realism themes available. There was also a space alotted for reinvented party games which the students flocked to try. Games like shooters and other tag-team games were tried.

There’s an old saying that goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” But not at MINT, where students are encouraged to also have fun. W
