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PREVUE: The MINT Student Honor Show

Every year, MINT College produces a diverse crop of skilled students and scholars. To celebrate their talent, MINT College has hand-picked student works from our academic programs, including multi-media, film and music to showcase. We invite students and visitors alike to witness the unique and creative outputs of its students. 

This event is a testament to the school's mission of providing a collaborative environment immersed in creativity and engaging activities with a focus on the applied. We take pride in the diversity of our student community – letting them learn from one another as well as from faculty and individual experiences.

There will be a special performance by a renowned cellist Renato Lucas. Lucas is a solo cellist, an orchestral musician, and conductor. He studied at the University of the Philippines College of Music, San Francisco Conservatory of Music (USA), Royal Northern College of Music (England), Hochschule fur Musik Detmold (Germany), and Universitaet der Kunst Berlin (Germany).

